
Before I started alternate day fasting myself, I spent about a month researching all forms of fasting. In the process, I realized that while there are numerous sites on the topics of intermittent fasting and the 5:2 fast diet, there is no one site that covers in-depth the topic of alternate day fasting.

After trying alternate day fasting myself for four months, and seeing the concrete benefits, I decided that it would be beneficial for there to be at least one comprehensive site on the Internet regarding alternate day fasting for others who might be interested in starting.

One of my goals for this site is to continue updating it over the course of at least one year in order to provide a real account of how alternate day fasting has affected my life and body.

If you have any questions or comments regarding alternate day fasting or would like to share an experience of your own, please feel free to leave a comment. Or if you have any ideas for improving this site, your feedback is appreciated.

Finally, in order to keep this blog as informative and detailed as possible in regards to my own personal experiences, I have decided to keep my identity anonymous. Consequently, I have not used my own social networks at all to advertise it. If you happen to really like a post on this blog or find it useful and feel that others might, too, it would prove tremendously helpful if you would be so kind as to like it on Facebook or Google+ or Twitter.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you find something of use.


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