September Alternate Day Fasting Update


In September, I actually only alternate day fasted for the last two weeks of the month because the first week I did a 7-day water fast, which was followed by a week of re-feeding. Nevertheless, the two weeks were very important as the last thing I wanted to do was to rebound the full weight that I lost during my 7-day water fast. And I am pleased to say that it worked. Following up my 7-day water fast with alternate day fasting proved to be a successful and easy way to keep the weight off. In the end, I ended up losing 3kg from my 7-day water fast, bringing me back to my steady-state weight of 62kg.


Fitness Level

My fitness stats have started to rebound nicely. Month-to-month, my pushups are up to 80 from 50, and my chin-ups moved up from 13 to 15.

Sugar Addiction

As I detailed in a separate post, my 7-day water fast helped me beat my sugar addiction. At least up through the end of September, my cravings for sugar were completely in check. I will continue reporting on a monthly basis on the state of my sugar cravings.


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